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Our hotel-booking engine is powered by  World Choice Travel (WCT), a member of the ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents) and IATAN (International Airlines Travel Agent Network). WCT is also registered as a seller of travel with the State of Florida - Fla. Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST34200.

Our powerful hotel engine provides the widest selection of hotel accommodations throughout the world. This technology connects directly to the central reservations systems of hotels worldwide, resulting in better rate and room descriptions, and in many cases, a greater variety of rates. This arrangement translates into considerable savings.

WCT is a division of LP, a Sabre Holdings company. Sabre Holdings connects people with the world's greatest travel possibilities by retailing travel products and providing distribution and technology solutions for the travel industry. Headquartered in Southlake, Texas, the company has approximately 8,900 employees in 45 countries.

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